One funny thing: I was with Luca picking it up at the store and needed help to my car. A worker kindly carried it to my car and at the same time a Phil & Ted's representative was walking in to check on that exact model. He took a few pictures of us and of the worker putting it in my car to place on the website and present to his home base-Colorado. Then he stayed and chatted with me about the features. I only commented on the fact that it was expensive and he said that it was worth every penny.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Dream Stroller
We finally got it....a new stroller. This is our 4th one, but I am tired of messing around and splurged for my dream stroller. I have had my eye on it for a year, then I saw it at a lower price at Babies R Us and thought it was meant to be. We took it out last night and Luca fell right to sleep and loves sitting in the back. It has a lot of options as far as converting to 1-2 kids..infant & toddler and toddler to toddler. We are so happy with this purchase:)
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Luca and Mommy Movie and a Lunch Date
With daddy gone and I am not working anymore, I decided to keep Luca home from school this week. I wanted to spend quality time with her before the baby comes. Everyday has been busy, we visited cousins and Nonna, went to doctor's and soooo muchh shopping. We went to 5 stores in one day buying for baby, returning items and getting things for the house. I am definitely nesting. Cleaning, organizing, sanitizing and building things for baby. Today we took half day to go to movies to see Mirror Mirror. We ended with lunch and then off to do more shopping. Luca is the best shopper, she is patient and never complains.

Mommy missing Daddy:(
Daddy is away for work again...
Peter has changed jobs recently and is extremely happy with his/our decision. It is not the best timing, but with a baby coming we needed to make some financial changes.
Cousin Trevor Turns 14!
I can't believe my nephew is 14!! It was funny because I realized that he is older when everyone gave him a card for his birthday and I gave him a wrapped gift. I made a joke about it, but all our nieces and nephews know that they get shoes for every holiday/birthday. I have been buying shoes for Trevor before he was born. When my sister told me she was pregnant, it was the first thing I bought and white saddle shoes. They were my style and my sister would put him in it when I took him out.
Clayton's Birthday Party
Since Luca is at school we figured that she would receive birthday invites, but she is invited to so many that we have to pick and choose. We would be going to birthdays every weekend and with a baby coming we have a lot to do to prepare. This birthday was blog was artistic and unique. I love that Luca knew all her classmates, she felt very comfortable and had a great time.
Education Update: Luca isn't reading, however, she is spelling EVERYTHING! Every word she sees she tells me the letters and we try to sound it out. She can write every letter and I just have to tell her how to spell it and she writes it perfectly. Example, the gift below: That is all Luca writing the letters I tell her. I don't have to show her how to write it she knows. She also pretends to write stories and then reads it to me. When I look at what she wrote it is an array of letters like one looonnng word. I am very impressed, good job Luca!

The signature says xox.

Working with her mommy:)

Monday, April 9, 2012
Family Easter Egg Hunt 2012
Auntie Paula had an Easter Party at her house. She made the most amazing breakfast spread!! The kids had fun hunting for eggs and playing. A huge THANK YOU:)
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