Lexa is an energetic toddler that gets into everything. She enjoys running around and copying everything that her big sis does. She is always getting into trouble and never sits in one spot.
Wt: 22 lbs 13.5 oz
Ht 2' 8"
She says many words now including in Spanish. Her new daycare speaks Spanish, so they have taught her a lot. The words include: Mommy, daddy, sissy, wee wee, ba ba, out, bye bye, si, no, beso, gracias, thank you, nonna, papa, zia, what is that? (these were her first words and she says it all the time). She doens't drink from a bottle anymore and is running around everywehere. She is quite a handful. She has 8 teeth and eats everything. She climbs and is very curious. Lexa is just adorable:)
My sweet Lexa sitting on her buddy-"Wee Wee" |
Milestone: Lexa pulls herself to standing (9 month milestone). We had to lower the crib already! She says "dada" but we don't know if she knows dada. or is just saying it. Her bottom teeth should be coming in any day now:) She gets around the house pretty good now and likes to play with Luca's toys. She still wakes up at night 1-2 times, so mommy and daddy are craving that first FULL night sleep. Nonna takes care of Lexa on Monday's and Fridays and they have bonded tremendously. I am so glad that she is getting this time with Nonna.
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Climbing right over Wee Wee |
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Already playing with barbies |
First ride in the front of a cart |
First time in high chair |
Milestone: LEXA IS CRAWLING!! She is now on the move and loves going where she wants.
She also is pulling herself up to standing position, which according to our doctor is a 9 month milestone. She is alert, happy, energetic, senstive, and LOVES laughing at her sister. I love watching the girls interact. Luca starts dancing in front of Lexa and she laughs so hard!! Lexa is also sitting up without any support and likes playing with her toys. Here a couple of pics from month 6.....enjoy!
Lexa Isabel-6 months |
Milestone: Lexa knows her name and will look at you when you call her. She is sitting up better, but still flops over after a few seconds. She is also beginning the process of crawling. With the doctors approval, I have started feeding her baby food. However, breastmilk is still her main nutrition. Nursing is going great and we have not had to substitute with formula. Here are pictures from her last month:
Milestone: Lexa is laughing, cooing, squealing and the big one...TURNING OVER!Now we have to watch her because she is turning from back to tummy and then tummy to back.
Weight: 12 lbs 8 oz
We went to her well baby 4 month check up and the doctor said she is very healthy and growing. She is still exclusively breastfed and he said she can start/try baby cereal if we want.
Another exciting thing is that Lexa sleeps through the night....YEP!!
We put her down at 9pm and she wakes up at 5am for a feeding and then will sleep again until 8am. PERFECT because I am going back to wrok next week and need my rest. She is also over the crying all time phase because of her gas. She plays with toys and sucks her hand to comfort herself. Lexa is amazing and everyday is very special with her...knowing how fast it all goes.
I DID IT!! |
First Turn Over-Captured on film....Back to tummy |
Kind of shocked...like what just happened??? |
Milestone: She is sitting up...with the help of her chair and she is holding a rattle (toy). She doesn't know what to do with it, but she grabbed it:)She is beginning to coo, it is adorable. The biggest thing this month is that she got her ears pierced. With the support of Peter's sister, I was able to go through another piercing of my babies.
She looks beautiful and I am glad we did it while she was young. She of course screamed and as you can see from the photo below, she fell asleep after.
This month mommy had to unexpectantly go back to work. I chose to finish out the last two weeks of school. As the art teacher, I am very involved in the aesthetics of the graduation ceremony. I also had to relocate my classroom for renovations, so it made sense to just get paid for doing it. I was extremely emotional to leave my 6 week old baby, but I have complete trust in our nanny, so it made the transition easier. Looking back I made the right decision and would relunctantly do it again. Thank you to my friends that had to listen to me blabber about leaving my baby.Now, I have the next two months to enjoy her (and Luca).
Here are some pics of the last month.
Month 2 milestone-Smiling
Tummy Time |
Love it!! |
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Daddy and Luca |
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Daddy and Lexa |
Lexa is doing great! She sleeps 3 hours at a time, sometimes 4 hours (at night). Nursing is going well and mommy is enjoying time with her.
Starting in the evening 6-7pm, she is extremely fussy and gassy. It usually subsides around 10-11pm.
We are completley in love with her!!!
Trying to smile |
We just started tummy time. Usually lasts 1-2 miutes and she is done. |
Due Date: April 21, 2012
We are eagerly awaiting the birth of our second child. We want to post new developments on our baby, so we created this page. We will continue to update the home page, which will be filled with our family experiences along with Luca's milestones.
This is baby Artiga at our last Doctor's appointment, March 22. The baby is head down and everything is great. I am due in 3 weeks and have an appointment every week. I will update blog when I find out any news on delivery. Baby Artiga needs to remain comfortable for another week because Mommy needs to finish Quarter 3 grading period:) Hopefully she listens!!
4/4/12-Baby is kicking so hard and every time she moves it hurts. There are no flutters anymore just being uncomfortable. I have two more days of work and then I will be off until end of August. I have been so busy getting ready for the substitute that I haven't thought about what I will do while I wait and wait and wait....for her. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, so I will update what she says. Everyone that has had kids say that I am still carrying high. I have also been told that the second birthing experience is easier than your first. I had two ladies from the office just tell me today. It keeps me positive when I think of D-Day. To have even a slight possibility of being in labor less than 23 hours (like I was with Luca) would be nice. I guess I will have to find out and let you know.......
Baby update 4/9/12-Had a doctor's appointment and the baby is between 6-7 pounds and less than 2 weeks to go. The baby is beginning to drop and he said the next few days I will see a significant change in the way I am carrying her. I am so excited to meet her, I just want her to wait one more week because Daddy is going out town until Friday. Hold on little one....
4/19/12-I have been having a lot of contractions usually at night starting around 12:00 am and lasting 2-3 hours. I went to see the doctor yesterday and she is scheduling a induction tomorrow. I am trying to get an appointment for next week because I really want her to come on her own time.
4/20/12-Contractions started at 5:00 am every 7 minutes lasting about 40 seconds. It was time for Peter to go to work and we decided that he would go and take care of some things and come home when I felt that they were getting more intense. Luca went to school and my mom came over to make sure I was ok. My mom stayed a few hours and I wanted to try take a nap, so she went home knowing that Peter would be home if I needed him. I took a nap @ 9:00 am and woke up at around 10:00 with no contractions. I didn't want them to stop because I wanted the whole thing to happen, so I took a walk and a long bath. At 12:00 pm they started again, but were more intense. I really wanted Peter to finish his work day because he only gets 4 days off and didn't want him to watch me have contractions. Since this is my second pregnancy the nurse said that I would know when I needed to go the hospital.
Peter called me at around 3:00 and I told him I was okay, but I guess he heard the pain in my voice and headed home. I actually called him 30 minutes later to tell him that I needed him and he was on the freeway....in traffic. My contractions were 5 minutes apart and I was calling Peter every 5 minutes because I REALLY NEEDED him. He finally came home and we had a few contractions together and we knew it was time to go.
Checked in at the hospital and I was 2-3 centimeters. They didn't want to admit me until I progressed more. I walked the hospital halls for 30 minutes and was having such bad contractions, I couldn't walk or talk anymore. They checked me again, and I was at 5 centimeters. That is when the storm hit! The contractions were like a roller coaster up and down back to back. The nurses were drawing blood, ordering an epidural, admitting me into the hospital. Before I knew it I was in the labor and delivery room pushed three times and there she was, Lexa Isabel Artiga.
I was admitted into the hospital @ 5:00 and had her @ 7:46. There was no time for any medication. That's right, no epidural!! I was begging for one, but there just wasn't time. It was an experience that one can't describe, only women who have had a natural child birth know the pain.
I am so fortunate to have little Lexa and that she is healthy and beautiful.
These are Lexa's Baby announcements. Each one was handmade with love by mommy. Each one was unique, not two were the same. We also invited everyone in the area to come to our baby party. Check out Home Page for party blog.
Here are the thank you cards I made for all the generous gifts that we have received to prepare for Lexa's arrival. Handmade with love by mommy.